Morning Star Fish Report


Fish Report 4/22/06

Fish Report 4/22/06
Tog with a better sign of cbass.
Ocean City Reef Foundation Dinner - May 3rd - Hall's Restaurant - 60th Street and the Bay from 5 to 8 - $15 Link:
Hi All,
We've had a few decent shots of tog this week. Seems like fewer jumbos and the fish are getting fussier too. Still, there've been some 8s and 10s along with many limits. Wednesday and Thursday the bite was really off in the morning and picked up as the day went along - pretty tough. On the way in Thursday - slick calm, really gorgeous weather - we saw a LOT of blues.
On top finning; I suppose the blues were trying to get every degree of heat that they could. It's a scene I've often seen in early spring.
Ah Ha! Bluefish thick - tog biting late - light crowd. Yep, loaded the trolling rods on the boat and struck a course Friday morning for a day my customers would not soon forget!
Except that the blues were long gone.
Oh no, now what have I done. With the weather coming on and a late bite of tog a certainty, it was going to be a long day. Setting up anchors on a nearby hang was complicated by opposing wind and current. I'm really not liking this. The boat finally came tight on the set and in the lines went.
The first tog bit just as the fellow's sinker hit bottom. A pair of youngsters had 5 in the box before I got a line wet.
Funny how being certain does that ~ leads your thoughts and preparedness away from the positive potential of a situation...
Although the bite died out late in the day, the kids had limits of tog and 9 keeper cbass: decent fishing.
Going to keep fishing too! The transition from just tog to just sea bass takes a week, sometimes two. That's what the coming trips will be: The transition period ~ Tog & Sea Bass ~ Neither outstanding, but combined - OK. I don't anticipate outrageously great fishing; scratch dinner and a handful for the fridge kind of days, but there may be a hot rail now and again.
We've already had a couple pretty decent bass; one was caught by my mate, 'Chef'. Now here I was thinking that the Chef would like to contribute that fish to science, you know - put a tag in it. I didn't find out I was wrong 'till the fish swam away: big grin. No worries, he had tog for dinner instead. Maybe someone's grandkid will recapture that tag: they'll be calling the Coastal Fisherman!
I'll fish everyday the weather will let me - the book is open. Crabs and Clams provided. Saturday the 29th, and every Saturday, will be a long trip - leave at 6:30, return 3:30(ish!) - $125. All the other days in April will be 7 to 3ish.
If you book - don't be late! The west end of an east bound boat can be a sad sight...
The first limit of sea bass will come before May - of that I am certain. (Uh Oh!)
There's more of the writings of a deranged party boat skipper below.
Capt. Monty Hawkins
Party Boat "Morning Star"
Reservations 410 520 2076
Artificial Reefs:
Why in the Billy Blue Blazes* do some scientists hold that artificial reefs serve only to 'congregate finfish for harvest'. (*from Charles F. Waterman)
It really is a big deal. Every once in a while I even hear a recreational fisher quote from these studies. What are they thinking?
For the purposes of temperate reef dwellers in the mid-Atlantic (cbass, porgy, tog - even cod, red hake, flounder and pollock) it is rubbish to suppose that the amount of viable habitat has no influence whatsoever on the production of these species.
If there were no reef-like areas in our region there wouldn't be any reef dwellers. And, if there were an increase in reef habitat there would be more reef fish.
In it's simplest form; habitat production minus effort equals stock. Habitat Production is the amount of successfully spawned larvae that survive to 'recruit' to a fishery, that is, they become legal sized fish, or, fish capable of spawning, depending on who's work your looking at, and recruitment is dependant on numerous factors. However, habitat is well recognized to be a key to juvenile survival/Production. Effort means what we and commercial fishers catch. Standing Stock, or Stock, is all the fish that are left after our 'Effort'. So, habitat production minus effort equals stock. (oh, the real equations are infinitely worse, worthy of a couple Advil, but stick with me!)
At present, the mid-Atlantic fisheries are regulated for ~ the recovery of our region's many depleted fisheries governed by ~ Effort reduction. You see the effects of this strategy every time the new regulations come out. And, as a group, we recreational fishers bemoan more restrictive regulations or celebrate victory when we are allowed more fish in the coming year. It's an increase or decrease in our Effort and is fine tuned annually.
While habitat is certainly a focus of the research and recovery work going on in our area's estuaries, there is no habitat consideration whatsoever in our region's marine recovery efforts. It stands to reason that increasing Habitat Production is every bit as effective as reducing Effort to help rebuild a fishery, perhaps more so. This is why they are knocking down dams and allowing salmon more useable habitat ~ it increases Production. And, dam removal is happening because Effort reductions have failed.
A heck of a lot more Habitat Production combined with the same Effort we have now would equal a lot more fish!
Well, what is this marine habitat? Hmmm... That's as deep and broad as you want to make it: from air pollutants settling upon the sea's surface effects on phytoplankton production to menhaden density, it all has to work in concert - all events that we allow have to be survivable or the system breaks down.
My focus is on a habitat aspect that can not be seen - can not be known - without a hard look backward.
Our region has experienced 80 some years of heavy commercial fishing. Several of these fisheries involve thousands of pounds - several tons - of gear pulling across or digging into the bottom. Whatever gets in the way either stops the gear: Or gets crushed as it moves through. Until 1976 there were nations from halfway around the world contributing to the seafloor habitat decline in this region as well.
What remains, maybe 15%, of our natural seafloor habitat is only the most robust - or lucky.
That vast meadows of sea whip and low hard coral reefs once flourished is, I think, provable. What ties the Production of these areas to the fact that 80 years ago a man could make a living commercial fishing with a boat launched from the surf is harder to get your arms around.
But it's there.
Imagine having to leave bluefish because marlin were wrecking your gear. It happened. With a one cylinder engine just a few miles offshore...
If it's going to happen again we must replicate - even increase - the amount of productive habitat.
There's no way to get there except by artificial reef. Naturally occurring cobble fields, rocks, sandstone slabs and hard clays that have been towed across with heavy gear contribute very little to Production until they have been left alone and corals have become reestablished. It is the 'complexity'- the hiding places - offered by mature growth on these substrates that allow significant improvement in spawning success. When juveniles avoid predation and are well fed, survival rates increase manyfold. Since it seems unlikely that these areas will remain undamaged by fishing gear for the decades needed for recolonization of corals, then the addition of new - more resistant to gear impact - substrates to the ocean floor will have to be undertaken. And is. It's artificial reef.
Although, at present, there isn't a 'plan' for using artificial reef to rebuild the fisheries; it's happening ~ a fortunate accident. It should be pursued with more vigor and science undertaken that can put numbers to the idea of Habitat Production.
Perhaps the least understood reason why artificial reefs work can also be taken from the example of the salmon. Every school kid knows that these fish return to their natal stream. Tag and recapture studies have shown that this is a natal bond - it's where they spent their juvenile period that imprints and becomes the area to 'home' to when it is time to spawn.
This behavior is hardly unique.
Many species of fish exhibit natal/spawning site fidelity, and, unlike salmon that die after they spawn, most species return year after year. It's not an uncommon behavior at all. Sea turtles, most species of bird, several types of shark, sturgeon, sea trout and ~ I believe tagging shows conclusively ~ sea bass, all return to their natal area to spawn. Some species, such as tautog, may have never left in the first place. In fact, it is more likely that any species that undergoes no specific migration to spawn are the odd ones out.
Every artificial reef becomes colonized by a few wandering fish and, over time, those fish and their progeny returning to spawn in successive years become part of a larger Standing Stock.
In conjunction with management that controls Effort: more habitat equals more fish.
Now, unfortunately, this is not 'the science'. The facts remain to be proven. I offer it as my thoughts on what we might be doing to better our fisheries.
Believe this: In the coming decades the artificial reefs we build will be factored into management as will areas of natural substrate. Habitat footprint ~ the total area of habitat ~ will play a role in ecosystems management. The production of these areas will be recognized.
Until then, fishers will enjoy the fishing and not worry about why.
Capt. Monty Hawkins
Fish Report 4/22/06
Tog with a better sign of cbass.


Fish Report ~ Easter '06

Fish Report - Easter '06
Reef Foundation Dinner May 3rd & Public Comment Due By 4/21/06
Hi All,
Short and sweet: Tog fishing isn't fantastic every single day but it's been at least OK. (And then there was a day that you had to be under 16 to catch. 'Ol Murphy was having himself a big old time!) 8's and 10's are winning the pool, occasional 12+ pounder,  but 14's remain elusive! We caught the first sea bass of '06 this week. One on Tuesday and two on Saturday. That's 1 - as in a single fish... A few more weeks? Certainly a welcome sign! And, I almost fell over today when a fellow caught a ling (red hake). There's a fish that I don't anticipate catching well for a long time: years. Plus; what were those critters swimming on top near the inlet? Sure looked like blues!
Spring!! Happy Easter!
It will all bust loose soon enough...
'Till then, more Toggin' ~ Fishing the 19th through the 24th ~  7AM to 3ish ~ 16 people sells out the rail and crabs are provided. The month of May has been open to sea bass trip reservations since before Christmas.
The annual Ocean City Reef Foundation spaghetti dinner will be Wednesday, May 3rd at Hall's Restaurant. Local businesses contribute lots of stuff to the raffles and auction items, there's even a few party boat tickets...
That's the report - the ramblings lie below!
Capt. Monty Hawkins
Party Boat "Morning Star"
Reservations 410 520 2076
PID Ramblings...
A pid. A what? A Public Information Document - PID. They probably come from any government body but the only ones I ever see are from Fisheries Councils/Commissions.
This particular PID can be read or printed off the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's website at  under Breaking News.
A lot of cans of worms ~ most of which stink ~ have been opened back up because the "definition of overfishing" has been changed. In it are a few gems though, and, a few things are missing too.
For instance, in item #1 you might want to tell them that the 60% percent commercial : 40% recreational split for flounder is somewhat irritating. Or, maybe you'd like to see it go down to 10% recreational. Probably not, but bet your bottom dollar that lots of commercial fishers are letting them know what they'd like to see! 
YOU can comment too, Should comment, on some of these items. Make it a simple email - a few sentences to Toni Kerns. She's a Fishery Management Plan Coordinator for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC).  Subject Line: Amendment 14/15 PID
The Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council also has this work to do... and MAFMC comment can be sent to  also with Amendment 15 in the subject line. Their number sequence is the same as the ASMFC.
It's best to stick with their comment scheme - the numbered sentences - and keep it very short and to the point. List the number that you want to comment on and add a short comment. That's something I'm not very good at, the 'keep it short part', (!) but they are categorizing the comments...
Unfortunately, they also ask for 'other'. Other issues. Short and to the point?
To me, the idea of rebuilding scup, sea bass and flounder populations without any consideration for rebuilding the seafloor habitat that they once thrived on is a losing proposition.
Then there's still the problem that the MAFMC and ASMFC don't 'officially' have a clue that there are large areas of coral -or substrates where coral once grew- in the mid-Atlantic.
Perhaps that's why I think this is a good time to tell the fisheries folks that there's a lot of seafloor habitat that ought to be protected and that doing so would have a remarkably pleasant effect on their rebuilding plans for many fish.
Seafloor habitat isn't on their list, nor is it incorporated into any part of a regional management plan.
Maybe this time.
The video of some of the natural reefs in this area is still on my website in the lower right corner. I've found that what a lot of people don't get from it is that the barren rocks that look like cut soybean stubble are where trawlers towed a net across the sea whip (soft coral). The comparison is pretty dramatic; areas fished commercially by trap and recreationally by hook are full of life: the habitat remains. Trawled areas, on the other hand, are quite barren of fish and habitat.
Perhaps an 'other' comment about habitat is in order!
Finally, scup, aka porgy, are at the head of their list.
Scup/Porgy Stenotomus chrysops - The species made up approximately 1/2 the party boat landings for the first 30 years of Ocean City, Maryland's fishing history.
Estimated local population decline >99%. There is some sign of improvement.
In other words, one angler - fishing one day - aboard a party or charter boat at Fenwick Island Shoal in, say, 1955 caught more scup than the entire fleet caught in the last decade. Or two.
Scup are managed by the MAFMC
The italics below are from the NOAA website
Scup or porgy occur primarily in the Mid-Atlantic Bight from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras. Tagging studies have indicated the possibility of two stocks, one in Southern New England waters and the other extending south from New Jersey. However, because the separation of stocks is not well-defined spatially, this separation is not used here.
Management of scup has been fairly successful on the northern stock. The southern stock remains collapsed and needs separate management
Tell 'em. That's what the PID is for.
Did I mention that the scup allocation is 22% recreational / 78% commercial? And that apparently there isn't any way to calculate commercial bycatch/dead discards - so they don't count?
And that sea bass have a 25% mortality release rate calculated into the recreational fishery. Excuse me; misplace the decimal? Wasn't that 2.5%??? I think that's even high if you fish careful...
And it's due by Friday, April 21st ...
Fish Report - Easter '06
Reef Foundation Dinner May 3rd & Public Comment Due By 4/21/06


Fish Report 4/9/05

Fish Report 4/9/05
Fish Stories & Toggin'
Hi All,
Toggin' along, almost to a wreck, when I had several mid-water marks on the machines.
Nicked a few of 'em too on Saturday. Mixed with small herring; it was the first time I'd personally bowed up on mackerel in many a year. It really wasn't what I'm looking for though. Just not enough to it.
Every fisher should experience the insanity of a hot mackerel bite and every mate should learn untangling skills in the thick of it too...
A couple favorite mackerel fishing tales:
Ol' Capt. Bill (Tuffy) Bunting was ill and Shorty, the parking lot guy at the "Angler," filled in selling tickets one fine Saturday morning. The bite was hot and word was out; folks were rolling in. Capt. Bill sold the boat out at 65(ish) which Shorty knew, but, things being hectic, he lost count and ended up with 91 people! Great Scott! A 65 foot boat with 91 fishermen, trash cans and coolers for fish, other coolers for the beer... I was working deck by myself and begged people to get off, "We're oversold!" No dice. Everyone held their ground. Still within CG regulations for passengers but beyond ridiculous for fishing - we got underway. I had everyone fish 'one man in, one man out'. As soon as a triple, quadruple or whatever came across the rail the other guy would make a drop. It worked too! Well, except in the stern; they all had to fish -right now- and didn't catch a tenth of what the rest did fishing cooperatively.
If you've wondered where the idea for my present operation came from, there's a clue!
Another day, pretty light rail - 'bout 35 head - and mackerel were hot. In one drift we loaded everything on the boat and wore everyone out. Headed home by 10:30AM; a mate's dream. Going around to announce our return, one guy was almost hysterical ~ he'd paid to go 'all day deep sea fishing' and we were not going in!  Ummm... OK. Well, everyone has all the fish they could possibly want. How about we make a drift and they give you what they catch. Deal. I sold him a bunch of those plastic fish bags... When we got in the grumpy 'ol goat made a many trip down the dock with his fish and loaded his vehicle up. A Dodge Dart!  A few bags in front but the trunk and backseat were jammed - I mean slam crammed in! Bottomed out on the suspension springs; he got stuck leaving the parking lot. A bunch of us had to give him a shove... No idea if he made it home or not: never saw him again!
Ah well, maybe there will be something to it yet, this year's mackerel run. I've heard from Lewes - still nicking and picking; working hard to make a catch of macks. Only takes one stop to change that though! Capt. Victor on the Ocean Princess should be fishing by the holiday too... We'll see...
I'm going toggin' right through Easter. But ~ we'll have gear ready just to try 'em - get a taste of it - should I see the macks stacked up. 1/2 hour of it - if at all. It really is a shame, but they'll come back. Maybe already have...
Tautog trips then: 7AM - 3PM(ish) everyday from the 11th until the 17th - 16 people sells out the rail - Crabs provided. If you make a reservation, leave the best phone number possible in case of a weather cancellation!
Tog fishing is not sea bass fishing! It's work, frustration, skill, luck and, most of all, patience! But, once you've caught the bug ~ Oh, it's a terrible thing; make you roll out of bed on frosty January mornings - I even have guys that cuss the summer! Can't wait for cold water again! Terrible, terrible affliction...
See you on the rail,
Capt. Monty Hawkins
Party Boat "Morning Star"
Reservations 410 520 2076
Fish Report 4/9/05
Fish Stories & Toggin'


Fish Report 4/9/05

Fish Report 4/9/05
Hi All,
Toggin' along, almost to a wreck, when I had several mid-water marks on the machines.
Nicked a few of 'em too on Saturday. Mixed with small herring; it was the first time I'd personally bowed up on mackerel in many a year. It really wasn't what I'm looking for though. Just not enough to it.
Every fisher should experience the insanity of a hot mackerel bite and every mate should learn untangling skills in the thick of it too...
A couple favorite mackerel fishing tales:
Ol' Capt. Bill (Tuffy) Bunting was ill and Shorty, the parking lot guy at the "Angler," filled in selling tickets one fine Saturday morning. The bite was hot and word was out; folks were rolling in. Capt. Bill sold the boat out at 65(ish) which Shorty knew, but, things being hectic, he lost count and ended up with 91 people! Great Scott! A 65 foot boat with 91 fishermen, trash cans and coolers for fish, other coolers for the beer... I was working deck by myself and begged people to get off, "We're oversold!" No dice. Everyone held their ground. Still within CG regulations for passengers but beyond ridiculous for fishing - we got underway. I had everyone fish 'one man in, one man out'. As soon as a triple, quadruple or whatever came across the rail the other guy would make a drop. It worked too! Well, except in the stern; they all had to fish -right now- and didn't catch a tenth of what the rest did fishing cooperatively.
If you've wondered where the idea for my present operation came from, there's a clue!
Another day, pretty light rail - 'bout 35 head - and mackerel were hot. In one drift we loaded everything on the boat and wore everyone out. Headed home by 10:30AM; a mate's dream. Going around to announce our return, one guy was almost hysterical ~ he'd paid to go 'all day deep sea fishing' and we were not going in!  Ummm... OK. Well, everyone has all the fish they could possibly want. How about we make a drift and they give you what they catch. Deal. I sold him a bunch of those plastic fish bags... When we got in the grumpy 'ol goat made a many trip down the dock with his fish and loaded his vehicle up. A Dodge Dart!  A few bags in front but the trunk and backseat were jammed - I mean slam crammed in! Bottomed out on the suspension springs; he got stuck leaving the parking lot. A bunch of us had to give him a shove... No idea if he made it home or not: never saw him again!
Ah well, maybe there will be something to it yet, this year's mackerel run. I've not heard from Lewes of late - don't know what they have going on. Capt. Victor on the Ocean Princess should be fishing by the holiday too... We'll see...
I'm going toggin' right through Easter. But ~ we'll have gear ready just to try 'em - get a taste of it - should I see the macks stacked up. 1/2 hour of it - if at all. It really is a shame, but they'll come back. Maybe already have...
Tautog trips then: 7AM - 3PM(ish) everyday from the 11th until the 17th - 16 people sells out the rail - Crabs provided. If you make a reservation, leave the best phone number possible in case of a weather cancellation!
Tog fishing is not sea bass fishing! It's work, frustration, skill, luck and, most of all, patience! But, once you've caught the bug ~ Oh, it's a terrible thing; make you roll out of bed on frosty January mornings - I even have guys that cuss the summer! Can't wait for cold water again! Terrible, terrible affliction...
See you on the rail,
Capt. Monty Hawkins
Party Boat "Morning Star"
Reservations 410 520 2076


Fish Report 4/5/06

Fish Report 4/5/06
A Tad Gusty...   
Tog Fishing April 8th to 10th.
Hi All,
Been toggin'. Most days have been pretty decent; last Friday was just so-so, but even then almost everyone had a limit. There have been scattered 10 pound fish - couple few north of 14 pounds too.
No such luck with the big fish today, although we did set two Morning Star records. Some fellows set up 3 trips with friends - charged a little extra and lightened up the rail even more - my kind of trip. Pretty dedicated tog fishers; maybe the most skill I've ever had on the rail at one time. Nice. One fellow stopped in this morning and bought a no-show. I though he'd end up looking like he'd brought a BB gun to a sniper squad competition - he enjoyed his day though.
Oh yes, the two records...
Most Tagged Tog: 136 in one day! Sweet!
Highest Wind Gust: 61 knots. OUCH!
Yeah, that got plenty saucy, real quick. Weather forecast was 15 to 20 West switching in the afternoon to NW and gusts to 30. OK - I'll stay within striking distance of the beach - be able to hide 'under the beach' - no worries. Very nice in the morning; a really calm day. Pickin' away at the tog when the front rolled in. Leading edge winds are usually the strongest; they were peaking at 45 knots. We picked up anchors and headed for the dunes. Velocities increased to a steady 45 - 50. One gust showed 72 knots on my anemometer; subtract the 11 knots we were making - 61 knots. Thankfully, the weather service had their compass points right. Wind needs room to build waves so if you can shorten the fetch - the distance over water the wind has to work - you can avoid catastrophic sea conditions. And we did. Spent the rest of the day tagging 12 to 22 inch togs in 20 to 30 knots and about 1 foot waves.
Enough of wind, going fishing. (nice, calm, pretty days please!) I'm opening the book from April 8th to the 10th and we're going togging. No, they aren't all jumbos and not every day is a memory maker, but some will be! Trips are 7 to 3ish - 16 people sells out the rail.
Some - many perhaps - want news of mackerel. Capt. Ricky (Fisherman's Wharf, Lewis) nicked and picked at 'em. Over a 4 day period high man had 30 - I'd look for that to improve.
In fact, I'm still hoping to get into 'em...
Artificial Reefs, The Magnuson Act Reauthorization, Philopatry (sticky one that, ain't in neither dictionary - it's the study of natal fidelity/spawning fidelity and the ability to 'home' ~ that fish return to the same place to spawn) Using philopatry and tagging to prove tautog stock expansion via artificial reef construction...
We get a windy day I've got some stuff to write about.
Capt. Monty Hawkins
Party Boat "Morning Star"
Reservations 410 520 2076


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